Journey to the 7 Churches of REVELATION - The Bible's Apocalypse (INTRO)

Intro of our new documentary about 7 Churches of the first century in the Apocalyptic section of the Bible is online ...

One of the Great writings of the ancient World, still read and studied today, is the book of Revelation, the last book in the Bible.

That for many readers speaks of a terrible future for the world and mankind, culminating with judgment and god’s wrath being poured out on the earth.
But revelation unveils far more than cosmic destruction.

It begins by revealing the heart of the resurrected Jesus for those he’s left behind.

On this day of Ares Gordon Channel, Producer Ali Bektaş, Travels to Modern Turkey, to begin looking into this ancient book, with a curious beginning.

A series of seven letters, seven letters to seven churches of the first century.
Joe looks closely in to the words of these letters, to uncover the mind and wisdom of Jesus, as directed to his followers living in an anti-christian Roman Empire.

Journey to the 7 churches of revelation.
On this day of Ares Gordon.


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